- Der erfolgreiche Besuch des Kurses AZ-700 – Designing and Implementing Microsoft Azure Networking Solutions (AZ-700T00) öffnet Dir die Option zur Zertifizierung zum Azure Network Engineer. Diese gehört zu den Rollen-basierenden Zertifizierungen und ist im Rahmen des 3-stufigen Qualifikationspfades der Associate-Stufe zuzuordnen. Diese ergänzt sich gut mit dem Azure Security Engineer Associate, da Netzwerksicherheit ohnehin einen großen Anteil an der Cloud-Sicherheit im Allgemeinen hat. Da in viele Unternehmen die Bereiche Sicherheit und Netzwerk vom gleichen Team wahrgenommen werden empfehlen wir Dir, ergänzend auch den Kurs „Microsoft Azure-Sicherheitstechnologien (AZ 500) bei uns zu belegen.
- Introduction to Azure Virtual Networks
- Explore Azure Virtual Networks
- Configure public IP services
- Design name resolution for your Virtual Network
- Enable Cross-VNet connectivity with peering
- Implement virtual network traffic routing
- Configure internet access with Azure Virtual NAT
- Design and Implement Hybrid Networking
- Design and implement Azure VPN Gateway
- Connect networks with Site-to-site VPN connections
- Connect devices to networks with Point-to-site VPN connections
- Connect remote resources by using Azure Virtual WANs
- Create a network virtual appliance (NVA) in a virtual hub
- Design and implement Azure ExpressRoute
- Explore Azure ExpressRoute
- Design an ExpressRoute deployment
- Configure peering for an ExpressRoute deployment
- Connect an ExpressRoute circuit to a VNet
- Connect geographically dispersed networks with ExpressRoute global reach
- Improve data path performance between networks with ExpressRoute FastPath
- Troubleshoot ExpressRoute connection issues
- Load balancing non-HTTP(S) traffic in Azure
- Explore load balancing
- Design and implement Azure load balancer using the Azure portal
- Explore Azure Traffic Manager
- Load balancing HTTP(S) traffic in Azure
- Design Azure application gateway
- Configure Azure application gateway
- Design and configure Azure front door
- Design and implement network security
- Secure your virtual networks in the Azure portal
- Deploy Azure DDoS Protection by using the Azure portal
- Deploy Network Security Groups by using the Azure portal
- Design and implement Azure Firewall
- Working with Azure Firewall Manager
- Implement a Web Application Firewall on Azure Front Door
- Design and implement private access to Azure Services
- Define Private Link Service and private endpoint
- Explain virtual network service endpoints
- Integrate Private Link with DNS
- Integrate your App Service with Azure virtual networks
- Design and implement network monitoring
- Monitor your networks with Azure Monitor
- Monitor your networks with Azure Network Watcher